Comprehensive User Guides

We understand that navigating new app can sometimes be challenging. That's why we've created an array of user guides to help you maximise your experience with CheckoutStride:
Discount Management Tutorial
Hiding Shipping Methods
Hiding Payment Methods
Order Additional Information & Cross Sell Products
Order Validation Walkthrough
Troubleshooting and Support


Revolutionise the way you do business on Shopify. CheckoutStride, our custom application is your ultimate tool for enhancing the checkout journey, boosting sales, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Say goodbye to the usual checkout headaches and discover the CheckoutStride advantage.

CheckoutStride is designed to simplify your operations, supercharge your Shopify store, and elevate your customer’s shopping experience. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your business.

Why Choose CheckoutStride?

Why Choose CheckoutStride?

  • Effortless Discount Management
    With CheckoutStride, you have complete control over discounts. Create enticing offers, apply them automatically, or require specific conditions for discounts to be applied. Maximise your sales potential while maintaining profitability.
  • Ensure Order Accuracy
    Accuracy is key to customer satisfaction. CheckoutStride’s validation features ensures that every order is correct, reducing the risk of errors and costly returns. Say goodbye to order mishaps and hello to happy customers.
  • Tailor Shipping to Your Needs
    Shipping shouldn’t be one-size-fits-all. Customise your shipping methods to suit your unique requirements. Offer express shipping, special rates, or even local delivery options. CheckoutStride adapts to your business model.

Features at a Glance

Discount Management
Shipping Customisation
Payment Method Management
Order Validation
Seamless Integration
User-Friendly Interface
Dedicated Support